Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Make a difference in 2008!

Everyone makes resolutions for the new year and for the most part they are not worth the paper that they are printed on. I have decided to make a difference this year and I have found a way to help others $25 at a time. Kiva is a website that matches people with a few dollars to spare with business owners in Africa, South America and other less fortunate countries that need loans to expand there business. In most cases these businesses need $300 to $1,500 and would not be able to get a loan the way you and I do. So if you can spare $25 to make a difference in somebody life check out Kiva "loans that change lives"! My first $25 goes to a Taxi Driver in Uganda Anatona Kakooza who needs repairs made to his taxi to continue in business. BMS Lender Page at Kiva!


Anonymous said...

That is a brilliant New Years resolution, what a kind and thoughtful thing to do, to help someone less fortunate in a third world country with their business is just pure kindness at heart. Way to go Jerry!

BigMouthStudio said...

Thanks Kris...Now it's your turn! Best wishes for the new year!

Alan said...

What a great idea ! Seems it costs next to nothing to make a big difference I'll definately be taking a closer look.